Thursday, July 12, 2018

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

It was a rough night for Teddy. He woke up for about an hour and we couldn't figure out why he wouldn't go back to sleep. After looking at all the variables I think the problem was that he ran out of water.  Once he got fresh water, socks, and his bed moved he went back to sleep.  He did wake up again and we moved him to our bed, but he thinks our bed is for play not sleeping.

Once we were up for the day it was time to get ready to go on the pontoon boat at the Stagecoach Marina. We arrived late because we were in charge of picking up some drinks and the others had gone out on the boat for 30 minutes.  Once we arrived we jumped on and away we went.

The scenery was beautiful and the weather could not have been more perfect.  The big boys enjoyed jumping in the lake and floating.  Most of the girls stayed in the boat; the water was too cold! The pontoon had a grill on board so we had burgers and hot dogs for lunch with chips, veggies, and fruits. The kids were so fantastic on the boat. Ty took a short nap and it was evident that Shirley and Teddy were ready for a nap.  After watching a storm rolling in about mid-afternoon we decided to head back so the babies could sleep and we'd miss the rain storm.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy the pontoon.

Once we were back I put Teddy down for a nap. It seemed everyone was exhausted because the kids fell asleep.

Then it was time to prepare for dinner. We had a family style pasta dinner at the top of the main lobby where the kids can look out the windows.

After dinner we headed to gondola square.  We were shocked at how different it looks in the summer.  There were creeks, mini golf, and a lot of construction going on. We decided to hike up as far as we wanted to go before coming back to the base.

There are many mountain bike and hiking trails. It just depends on how high you want to go on the mountain. It was stunning.  Once we decided to turn around and head back down the trail we decided a drink was necessary at the bar and grill near the base.

Today was a great day! Being in the sun kind of wears you out, but it was a great day!

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